
Dr. Stacey Greenwell is Coordinator of Educational Services and an instructional designer at the University of Kentucky Libraries. She has held a variety of roles there, including Associate Dean and Director of the Information Commons.

In her current role, Dr. Greenwell creates online instructional materials to help undergraduates develop information literacy skills and is liaison to the School of Information Science and the Lewis Honors College.

She recently co-authored Library Programs and Services: the Fundamentals (2023), Management Basics for Information Professionals (2020), Learning in Information-Rich Environments: I-LEARN and the Construction of Knowledge from Information (2019), and Academic Librarianship (2018). She has taught graduate courses in the School of Information Science at UK and Syracuse.

Dr. Greenwell is Co-Editor of Practical Academic Librarianship: The International Journal of the Special Libraries Association (SLA) and has been a Fellow of SLA since 2009.

Her current research interests are focused on designing effective online instructional materials.



four covers of books co-authored


Greenwell, S. & G. E. Evans. (2023). Library Programs and Services: the Fundamentals (Ninth edition). New York: Bloomsbury Libraries Unlimited.

Evans, G. E. & Greenwell, S. (2020). Management Basics for Information Professionals (Fourth edition). London: Facet Publishing.

Evans, G. E. & Greenwell, S. (2020). Management Basics for Information Professionals (Fourth edition). Chicago: ALA-Neal Schuman.

Neuman, D., Teece DeCarlo, M.J., Lee, V.J., Greenwell, S., and Grant, A. (2019). Learning in Information-Rich Environments: I-LEARN and the Construction of Knowledge from Information. (Second edition). New York: Springer.

Evans, G. E. & Greenwell, S. (2018). Academic Librarianship (Second edition). Chicago: ALA-Neal Schuman.


Greenwell, S.  (2013).Using the I-LEARN Model for Information Literacy Instruction: An Experimental Study (Doctoral dissertation).  Retrieved from http://works.bepress.com/staceygreenwell

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Conference Papers

Greenwell, S. (2016). Using the I-LEARN Model for Information Literacy Instruction. Journal of Information Literacy, 10(1), 67-85. https://doi.org/10.11645/10.1.2045

Greenwell, S. (2014).  Using the I-LEARN Model to Design Information Literacy Instruction. In S. Kurbonaglu, S. Spiranek, E. Grassian, D. Mizrachi, & R. Catts. Information Literacy: Lifelong Learning and Digital Citizenship in the 21st Century. Paper presented at European Conference on Information Literacy, Dubrovnik, Croatia (pp. 400-407). New York: Springer.

Greenwell, S., Kraemer, E., Sharp, S., & Smith, S.  (2010). Saving Student Brian: Engaging Students with Innovative Technology.  Librarian as Architect: Planning, Building and Renewing.  Thirty-Sixth National LOEX Library Instruction Conference Proceedings, Oak Brook, Illinois, May 1-3, 2008. Ypsilanti, MI: LOEX Press.

Greenwell, S. & Kraemer, E.  (2007). Update on Social Networking Software.  Kentucky Libraries, 71(4), 11-15.

Greenwell, S. & Kraemer, E.  (2006). Social Networking Software:  Facebook and MySpace.  Kentucky Libraries, 70(4), 12-16.

Book Contributions

Morrison, J. R. and Greenwell, S. (2011). Classic articles in instructional design and distance education. In L. Moller & J. Huett. The Next Generation of Distance Education: Unconstrained Learning. New York: Springer.

Greenwell, S.  (2011). Our Colleagues Speak: Career Snapshots, Stacey Greenwell.  In U. de Stricker. & J. Hurst-Wahl.  The Information and Knowledge Professional’s Career Handbook: Define and Create Your Success.  London: Chandos Publishing.

Greenwell, S.  (2008). The Value of Active Involvement in Professional Organizations.  In Byke, S. & Lowe-Wincentsen, D. (Eds.), A Leadership Primer for New Librarians: Tools for Helping Today’s Early-career Librarians Become Tomorrow’s Library Leaders.  London:  Chandos Publishing.

Articles and Reports

EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative, Lippincott, J. and Greenwell, S. (2011).  7 Things You Should Know About the Modern Learning Commons.  http://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/eli7071.pdf

Greenwell, S.  (2009). Ask A Librarian.  Computers in Libraries, 29(3), 33.

Greenwell, S.  (2007). Around the World to the Technology at the Hub @ WT’s, the University of Kentucky’s Information Commons.  Library Hi-Tech News, 24(6), 40-42.

Greenwell, S.  (2002). Helping the Helpdesk:  Resources for Technical Support Staff in Libraries.  Kentucky Libraries, 66(1), 8-10.


The Uncommon Commons

Digital Commons Profile


Sample Instructional Design Work

Canvas Commons

Includes shared modules created using Design Tools to help students find, evaluate, and use library resources. Includes modules for an introductory honors course, a communications course, and a children’s literature course.

Articulate 360 Profile

Includes short tutorials designed with Storyline or Rise to help students navigate the library. Includes an orientation for library science students, how to find book reviews, how to use images appropriately, and how to find a book in the library.